Contact Us

via phone or email below.

We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established. If you believe you have a legal issue, please contact the law offices of Badgley Mullins Turner, PLLC, to discuss a no-obligation case evaluation.

Badgley Mullins Turner PLLC

Serving the Pacific Northwest, and beyond

Phone:(206) 621-6566
Toll Free:(855) 508-1548
Fax:(206) 621-9686
Office Address:
19929 Ballinger Way NE, Suite 200
Seattle, WA  98155

Attorney Duncan Turner

Attorney Mark Trivett

Main office address:
Badgley Mullins Turner, PLLC
19929 Ballinger Way NE, Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98155
(206) 621-6566
(855) 508-1548

Contact us by Email


Southbound from I-5

Take exit number 177, toward Lake Forest Park (0.7 mile)

Turn LEFT onto WA-104/244th St. SW

KEEP RIGHT at the fork to go on WA-104

End at 19929 BALLINGER WAY NE (on the RIGHT)

Northbound from I-5

Take exit number 177 onto WA-104 E

Drive EAST towards Lake Forest Park (1 mile)

End at 19929 BALLINGER WAY NE (on the RIGHT)

Westbound from WA-522

Drive WEST on Ballinger Way NE/WA-104 (2 miles)

End at 19929 BALLINGER WAY NE (on the LEFT)